
Capital Projects Planning & Management | Capital Projects Planning | Grade 1

Hover on any of the competencies below to view a detailed description.
Core Competencies
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Critical Thinking and Data-Driven Decision Making
Facilitates Collaboration and Influence
Learning Agility
Digital Savviness
Results-Driven Outcomes
Public Service Excellence
Leading Change
Leadership Competencies
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Strategic and Visionary Foresight
Fostering Well-Being and Coaching
Technical Competencies
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Potential Movements
Capital Projects Planning & Management
Capital Projects Planning
Key Accountabilities
  • Lead the overall strategic direction and initiatives for capital project planning to ensure appropriate planning horizon, ranking and prioritizing of projects within portfolios in alignment to economic, social, environmental value while balancing project funding and investment.
  • Oversee the review of new capital projects feasibility and viability to assess their strategic fit, economic, social, environmental value, and deliverability, ensuring project proposals submitted in line with ADEO’s guidelines and with the entities’ development plan, strategic directions and visions.
  • Act as a focal point to advise on potential synergies and merging of capital projects and determine best solutions for executing projects within specific threshold to optimize the efficiencies of capital projects and delivering intended value and benefits.
  • Set the direction to establish clear frameworks, policies and processes to execute capital projects across the different government entities, including development of official capital improvement plan to strengthen capabilities within ADEO and across government entities.
  • Provide innovative stewardship to maximize cooperation and proactively explore and identify private partnership opportunities with relevant stakeholders; Strategically assess and provide recommendations based on their capabilities and value to deliver improved services for capital.
Preferred Experience And Exposure